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Unknown Amazing Facts about Sun

Amazing Facts about Sun

The most astonishing facts about the sun are that it is a star with planets surrounding it.

This makes the entire solar system.

Sun is the only source of energy that helps life on Earth to thrive.

Interesting sun facts are that it is a sphere in shape that contains hot plasma.

Due to the nuclear fusion reactions on the sun's surface, it emits heat and light energy.

The light energy it emits has ultraviolet, infrared, and visible light radiation. 

There are several interesting facts about the sun. It has a diameter of 1.39 million km.

When compared with the diameter of the Earth, the Sun is 109 times bigger.

The Sun consists of helium 25%, carbon dioxide, oxygen, iron, neon, and hydrogen 73%.

All these elements help cause nuclear fusion and therefore emit a massive range of heat and light energy.

Without the heat and light energy from the Sun, there would be no life on Earth.

Consequently, the Sun is an essential part of the solar system.

In this article, you will have a perfect piece of knowledge on the sun facts, which will surely amaze you. 


10 Interesting Facts about Sun 

In this section, you will have learned 10 facts about the sun that will amaze you.

Some points might be known, but here are also facts that are unique and new. 


1. Brightest Star

One of the most fun facts about the sun is that it is one of the brightest stars if you consider stars that are 17 light-years away from Earth.

Some of the brightest stars are Eta Carina and Betelgeuse, but these are far away from the solar system and are only visible at a tiny dot in the sky.

The Sun is the 4th brightest star within the 50 closest stars from Earth, and therefore it balances the heat emission.

If there were excessive heat radiating from the sun, life on Earth would be impossible. 

2. Consists Helium and Hydrogen

One of the most amazing facts about the sun is its mass of 74% hydrogen and only 24% helium.

It also consists of oxygen, nickel, iron, and also several elements.

You can say that the solar system mainly consists of hydrogen. 


3. Solar System

The Sun is the only form of energy in the entire solar system and provides energy to other planets.

The sun's mass is 99.8% of the solar system, and 0.2% is from Jupiter. 


4. Middle Aged

Experts and astronomers consider that the Sun and other planets were formed from the solar nebular (4.59 billion) years ago.

They also state that the sun is in its middle age and gradually exhausting its hydrogen, the primary power source.

The interesting facts of the sun are that it will devour all its hydrogen and swell most of the planets and then shrink into a black hole. 


5. Massive Diameter

Other sun fun facts are that you can fit almost 109 Earth inside the sun, so it is clear that the sun is massive.

If you can flatten the earth, the sun would need nearly 11,990 earth to cover.

But there are also stars in space that is bigger than the sun. 


6. Heating Up

Astonishing sun information is that there is a gradual increase in the temperature.

Space researchers say that approximately the sun is increasing 10% of heat after every billion years, and therefore someday, it will be a superheat ball that will destroy Earth. 

7. Layers of Sun

There are several remarkable facts about the sun, and one of them is that the sun is made up of different layers.

The visible outer layer is known as the photosphere.

After the photosphere, a convection zone lies that transfers the heat from the core to the surface.

And beneath it is the radioactive zone where most of the radiation takes place.

Finally, is the core where the temperature counts to 13.6 billion Kelvin, and the fusion of helium and hydrogen takes place. 


8. Spacecraft 

The interesting facts about our sun are that several spacecraft are constantly observing and witnessing the changes in the sun, how these changes are affecting the Earth.

The Heliospheric Observatory by NASA and ESA was launched in December 1995 to study the facts. 


9. Outer Atmosphere is Hotter

Another fun fact about the sun is that its outer atmosphere is hotter when compared with the temperature of the surface.

The temperature is nearly 6000 kelvin on the surface, but the chromosphere is 100000 kelvin.


10. Different Rotation Speed

Learning about the sun, it was found that it rotates at a different speed, unlike the planets that rotate at a constant and fixed rate.