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Best Comprehension Games for Skill Development

reading comprehension games

Playing games is one of the best ways to provide additional practice for developing skills in a student.

Here is a list of games that can help parents and tutors to implement fun into education while developing the necessary senses and cognitive abilities.  

When planning to play one of these games, you should choose a word that your child is familiar with.

Words from recently read books or school textbooks are often the best option for kids.

Moreover, the game should be able to promote and help develop a child’s sense of confidence and competence.




Make a list of ten or more words from a book that your child is familiar with or has read recently.

Write each word clearly and boldly on separate index cards and make pairs.

Involve the child in the making process as they can help you in copying the words you choose.



Shuffle all the cards and put them face down in a couple of rows.

Players take turns selecting two cards at a time and reading the words aloud.

If the two cards match, the cards are placed back into their original position and the next player takes a turn.

Continue the game until all the cards have found their pair. The player with the maximum number of matches wins the game.

If a child has trouble recognizing a word, do not have them pronounce it.

The purpose of the game is to build an automatic recognition of the word system. 

You can make the game more or less difficult by altering the number of words and the type of words used in the game.

For beginners, use meaningful words that are distinctive. For challenging games, use less distinctive words, but do not overwhelm your child with the difficulties. 


Go Fish

This is an interesting game that helps improve the fluency of the readers.



Select a list of 10 to 20 words from a book and print the words boldly on separate index cards making a pair of each word. The game can be played by two or four people.



Shuffle all the cards and deal three to five cards to each player, place the rest of the deck face down

The players take turns to pick a card from the deck and match them with the cards in their hands.

If the opponent does not match, the other player takes a turn.

When the card does not match, the opponent says “GO FISH” and the other players pull a card from the deck of cards placed face down to match their cards.

The game continues until all the cards in the deck are used up.

Alternatively, you can use rhyming words for the game to make it an interesting part of education.

You can also put in extra points for students who can write a few rhyming words with the word they just picked from the deck. 


Wrapping Up!

Using recreation as a part of education is one of the most effective ways to ensure proper learning.

Besides these two games, other games that you can play with your children or students to improve their abilities are Old Maid, Monopoly, Rhyming Games, etc.