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The Piece of Charles’s Law Advice That’s Seared Into My Memory

Charles law

The concept of Charles’s law covers an important portion of CBSE science. Charles’s law graph represents that the volume of a given amount of gas is directly proportional with temperature on a Kelvin scale when the pressure is held constant.

This writing piece will help the students to understand the statement clearly.



 Volume is directly proportional to temperature means if we increase the temperature of any given molecule, the molecule starts to expand more which causes an expansion in the volume. 

The relation between volume and temperature represents Charles’s law.


Charles’s law

 The French scientist Jacques Charles discovered that the volume of a gas changes when we change its temperature, keeping the pressure constant. V is denoted by volume, and temperature is denoted by T.

The relation between volume and temperature is V/T= constant. Or V1/T1=V2/T2.

Graphical representation of volume and temperature.

Charlee’s law graph mentioned below shows if temperature increases,  what happens to volume is also increasing.

Temperature is measured on the horizontal X-axis, and volume is measured on the vertical Y-axis.

It clearly shows when the temperature decreases from -300 degree centigrade to 200-degree centigrade the volume also increase from V1 to V2.

V1 and T1 are the initial volumes and temperature phase of an ideal gas.

V2 and T2 are the changed phase volume and temperature.



Gay-Lussac’s law introduces the concept that pressure (P) of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to the temperature (T) of a gas at a given volume. Kelvin is an SI unit of temperature.

P/T=k where k is constant. P1/T1=P2/T2.

The pressure vs temperature graph shows as temperature increases pressure of an ideal gas also increases, and when the temperature falls, pressure also falls. 

The pressure vs temperature graph is represented below to establish a clear concept to the students.

This graph clearly shows with the increasing temperature in the horizontal line causes an increase in the pressure in the vertical line with the fixed amount of Gas.

The graph is plotted at a fixed amount of volume.

Temperature is measured in Kelvin.


Pressure and volume relationship

The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure of a gas at a constant temperature.

This relationship is called Boyle’s law.

From the below-mentioned pressure-volume graph that the volume of a fixed amount of mass of Gas will decrease if there is an increase in pressure and vice versa.

So mathematically, it is written as V1/V2=P2/P1. Where p is denoted as pressure and V is denoted as volume.

The volume vs pressure is represented below to help the students to have a clear concept.

This graph is clearly showing a decrease in volume.

Pressure is increasing at a constant temperature.


What is the volume of Gas?

The gas volume is directly proportional to its pressure when the temperature is held constant(Boyle's law).

For the same state of pressure and temperature, equal volumes of all gases contain an equal number of molecules.(Avogadro's law).

The Ideal Gas equation is PV=Nrt. where P is the pressure, V is the volume,  n is the number of the molecules of the Gas, T is the kelvin temperature, and R is the ideal Gas constant.


The mass of the Gas

The molecular weight of any gas is the mass of one particle of that Gas times 6.023*10^23 is used to calculate the moles of the unknown Gas.

The gas mass divided by the moles gives molar mass. 

The mass/ volume graph is presented below for students to get a clear idea about mass and volume.

Mass is measure in grams or kilograms on the vertical axis Y.

Volume is measured on the horizontal axis. 

Hence the slope of mass versus volume graph is equal to density.

Eduauraa is one of the top-rated online learning platforms helping students with the clear concept of the pressure-volume temperature relationship.