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Difference between common noun and proper noun with examples

Common and Proper Noun Examples

The Noun is the first and foremost of all the parts of speech of English Grammar.

Noun indicates a name. According to English grammar, Noun has been categorized into five classes based on the types of subjects.

There are five nouns: Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective Noun, Abstract Noun, and Material Noun.

This blog will discuss the definition, differences, and examples of precisely Proper Noun and Common Noun.

Examples will help to understand the role and functions of nouns in different cases.


Difference between Common Noun and Proper Noun

Common Noun

Indicates a class of living or non-living things.

A common noun refers to an animal species; cow, a movie category; comedy, a literary genre; poetry, a sports category; cricket, etc.

Common Noun refers to a group or species.

The cow does not indicate a specific cow; rather, it implies the entire cow species.

That is the reason why the Noun has been named as Common Noun.

This Noun signifies the whole species or category.


Proper Noun

Indicates the name of a particular living or non-living being.

Proper Noun always takes capital letters in the beginning.

Example: Mother Teresa, Rabindranath Tagore, Hilary Clinton, Veda, Quran, Red Fort, Howrah Bridge, Jane Austen, Mathematics, etc.

Proper Noun always exists as one and only, like the names mentioned above refer to a particular person or a thing (book, building, subject, bridge, etc.)

Examples of Common Noun and Proper Noun Common Noun:

⮚ A Zebra (refers to the entire Zebra species)

⮚ A Book (refers to books of any kind)

⮚ A Jewellery (refers to any jewelry in common)

⮚ An Express Train (refers to any mail train)

⮚ An Online platform (refers to the type of platform that is online)

⮚ Cuisine (any dish it may be)

⮚ A Fish (refers to the entire fish species in general)

⮚ Country (It may refer to any country)


Proper Noun:

⮚ Richard Parker (name of a particular movie character)

⮚ Great Expectations (refers to one specific book)

⮚ Engagement Ring (refers to a specific kind of jewelry)

⮚ Amazon (name of a particular online platform)

⮚ Thai Cuisine (refers to Thai food in particular )

⮚ Salmon (name of a specific fish)

⮚ Jazz Music (type of music)

⮚ Taj Mahal (name of a Mausoleum)

⮚ Australia (name of a particular country) Examples of Common Nouns and Proper Nouns in Sentences


Common Noun

1. He is the bowler of the team.

2. He crossed the river.

3. We were talking about songs.

4. She has a cat.

5. His house is big and spacious.


Proper Noun

1. We have a vacation in Durga Puja.

2. I live in India.

3. Tom is the name of his dog.

4. Messy belongs to Argentina.

5. I am learning how to play chess.

Hopefully, you will get an idea about proper Nouns and Common nouns.