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Everyday Math

Everyday Math

Mathematics is a common language, its omnipresence plays a vital role in our lives.

The individual mathematical equations and formulation have a cause-and-effect principle in them.

Mathematics is more general than most people think.

Beginning from - the money needed to buy regular lunch to measuring groceries for a week, mathematics always has a role to play.

Nature itself has befriended mathematics since its formation.

With the increase in the size of a snail shell at a geometric progression rate or the hexagon-shaped bee honeycombs, mathematics is evident everywhere.


Issues with mathematics

But some students face difficulty in understanding the subject.

In most cases, mathematics is shown as a competitive means to score better in examinations.

But mathematics has several practical and real-life applications which students tend to overlook from their fear.  


1. Fear biased 

Mathematics deals with the study and application of numbers in real life.

Contrary to its original essence, most students feel terrified of this subject.

However, with the inclusion of fun games and intellectual activities, mathematics can be fun and exciting.

Human beings as primary visual learners might grasp complex mathematical concepts with ease through proper visual learning.

Technology can help to achieve such a purpose.

Students need to understand the real essence of mathematics and the way it contributes to real life.


2. The reality of mathematics 

Real life is the best source of learning mathematics.

One should be able to relate theoretical mathematical problems with real-life applications to realize its true potential.

Regular or weekly grocery shopping involves a range of mathematical problems involving multiplication, percentages or estimation.

In shopping the general calculations in weight, cost, discount rates, and final price involves mathematics.


3. Improved travelling experience with mathematics 

Proper and correct mathematical calculations can help to predict travelling distance, fuel requirement, highway toll payments, etc., with precision.

It can help to curb additional expenses by making better and informed decisions.

Before the birth of GPS or Google Maps, travellers used basic mathematical principles to reach their destination while using road signs, paper maps, atlas, etc.


4. Clear visualization can help clarify understanding 

Visualization plays a crucial role in understanding educational studies, especially mathematics.

A proper relationship with the practical world can help students get a clear image of using mathematical principles in real life.

Cutting a circular cake or pizza into different pieces can help students gain their knowledge of fractions.


5. Fun with mathematics

Mathematics is a fun and exciting subject only if students can relate it to in real life.

Mathematics must have a relational approach to real life.

Students need to understand the regular use of mathematics in their everyday life.

Dead theoretical teachings might create fear in students' minds if they fail to relate numbers with reality.

Research proves that mathematics improves reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving capabilities and most of all, creativity.

Mathematics offers a logical problem-solving approach and hence, can contribute to improving one's life skills. It can help youngsters make better decisions in life!