What is Experiential Learning? | Eduauraa
What is Experimental Learning?
Experimental Learning is a modern invention in the academic ground.
The definition of Experimental Learning refers to a unique learning process that helps the students to learn through various experiences.
This type of learning is also referred to as "learning through reflection on doing."
The students need not play an active role in experimental learning.
The students can learn only as recipients.
Several Experimental Learning Icons are available on the internet, helpful for the students.
Experimental Learning focuses on the learning process and progress of individual students.
The root of the Experimental Learning Theory dates back to the time of Aristotle in 350 BC.
Aristotle focuses on learning things by doing them in his Nicomachean Ethics.
David. A Kolb, at the end of the 20th century, had developed a comparatively modern theory on the experimental learning process.
The learning process very easily imparts the knowledge from the teachers to the students crossing the barrier of classrooms.
The learning process focuses more on an integrated sense of learning.
Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory
Kolb published his Experimental Learning Theory in 1984.
The experimental learning process primarily works on the cognitive development of the students.
Here, the central focus is the individual students.
Kolb’s experimental learning process works on two following levels,
a. A Four-staged Cycle of Learning
b. Four Separate Learning Style
According to the famous researcher, the learning process must enable a flexible acquisition of abstract concepts.
In his words, students learn new concepts and things through experiences.
Kolb said, “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.”
Experimental Learning Cycle
The experimental learning cycle is a four-staged learning cycle where the student is connected with all the learning aspects.
The stages of the Experimental Learning Cycle are as followed,
a. Concrete Experience
A student faces a new experience and has an understanding of the experience.
b. Reflective Observation of New Experience
This point refers to the differences between the practical experience and understanding of that experience.
c. Abstract Conceptualization
The learner gets a new idea from the new experience and modifies the experience into an abstract conceptualization.
d. Active Experimentation
Now, the learner will apply this idea to experiment on the new things happening all around.
According to Kolb's Learning Cycle, a student gets the benefits of Experimental learning only when she/he must cross all the stages of the cycle.
The four points of the cycles are intricately interlinked with one another.
The absence of any one of the steps will lead to nothing.
Types of Experimental Learning
Different types of Experimental Learning Processes are well-known in today’s academic grounds.
These Experimental Activities are,
1. Research Project
Students have to work on projects through many research works jointly with a partner or a team.
In this scenario, a student needs to recognize the problems and solves the issues shortly.
It may take place inside or outside the classroom.
2. Case Studies
Students work on case studies to apply their learning to factual circumstances.
They need to work on complex issues. In the case of studies, students are allowed to use their perception and analysis.
3. Field-studies/Field-experiences
Field experience needs students' interactions.
An instructor is there to guide the students in their projects.
Field studies boost the students' observational power.
Field- study is always a particular task-oriented to the students.
4. Applied research projects
In Applied research projects, students need to focus on discovery, analysis, and application.
Students must prove whether their preferred solution tips work in the actual field or not.
5. Interactive Sessions
Interactive sessions are arranged based on specific academic subjects or topics.
The students are involved in the sessions through content-related activities like demonstrations, design, simulation, etc.
The students have to design their content to work on real-life situations.
7. Internships
Internships interest the students much.
The students are given work assignments to analyze and enhance their knowledge.
One can experience internships in their academic and professional grounds.
After the internship is over, the students have to submit a report based on their individual experiences.
Internships help the students deeply to learn their subjects.
8. Laboratory work
Hand-on application is always considered to be one of the best ways to learn the core of a subject.
Lab classes do the same for the students.
The students can test, measure, experiment in the laboratory and get practical knowledge.
9. Practical Experience/Placements
Sometimes, the students are offered placements to strengthen their knowledge.
On the practical ground, the students have to work on theoretical and practical simultaneously.
These placements are paid generally.
The main motto of such placements is to prepare the students for the practice fields in the near future.
10. Co-operative Education
Co-operative education is an essential part of the experimental learning concept.
Co-operative education helps the students to organize their study process and brings benefits to the students.
11. Experimental Learning Examples
When you read the history book and visit the museum or visit a historical place, you understand the difference between theory and practical knowledge.
In a museum or a historical place, you will have experimental learning.
You may read about some sports in a book.
When you watch the sport, or when you play a sport, you will differentiate the impact of one from another.
How does experimental Learning benefit Students?
a. Research has found out various Benefits of Experimental Learning for the students which are as follows,
b. Students find the topics to be more relatable. They are offered the scopes to assess between the existing concepts and the new concepts.
c. Experimental learning enhances the impact of the learning process on students. The students learn to solve their problems and make decisions on time.
d. The students can create a bridge between theory and practical knowledge through the experimental learning process.
e. The experimental learning process involves the students more deeply into the learning process.
f. Experimental learning boosts the students’ memory through practical experiences.
g. Experimental learning helps the students to apply their skills in real-life circumstances in the future.
Characteristics of Experimental Learning
a. analytical and detailed
b. uniqueness
c. responsive
d. learner-centric
e. cognitive development
f. Interaction
g. Natural and practical
To Conclude
The blog discusses the characteristics, cycles, examples, and benefits of experimental learning.
Students can understand a topic better when they learn it through experience. Experimental learning boosts up one’s analytical and decision power.