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Interesting Facts about Shooting Star

Interesting Facts about Shooting Star

One of the most fun facts about shooting stars is that they are not stars but meteor showers.

They enter the earth's atmosphere, and due to the friction, they catch fire.

All the dust particles of the meteor burn and forms the shape of a shooting star.

The shooting starts to enter the atmosphere at a very high speed.

There are numerous meteors in space that sometimes enter the Earth’s atmosphere. 

Some shooting stars are bigger than the Earth, and there are possibilities that it can destroy Earth if it hits the surface.

But due to different layers in the atmosphere, these meteors catch fire and demolish.

In this article, you will have a perfect piece of knowledge on how fast is a shooting stars is and some amazing facts that will amaze you. 


When do Shooting Stars form?

Sometimes the shooting stars start to form randomly.

Nowadays, astronomers and scientists have advanced technology that can detect the formation and also its path.

Therefore, they can be aware and take the necessary steps to destroy it.

Due to advanced science, astronomers can predict the weather that the Earth will experience after a huge meteor passes by.

When a shooting star comes in contact with the atmosphere, it catches fire and burns up due to friction.

So, the more the space dust materials enter the Earth, the more the chances of the meteor shower. 


Do Shooting Stars have Tails?

The cool facts about the shooting stars are that it has a tail that forms only when a giant meteor enters the Earth and forms a fireball.

Due to immense friction, its head turns into a red hot fireball with a white tail following it.

The formation of the tail of a shooting star depends on its mass and size.

For instance, if a shooting star has a lower mass, it will get destroyed even before turning into a fireball.

But when it is vast, it takes a considerable amount of time to destroy, and by then, it catches fire and has a tail following it. 


What are the Different Types of Shooting Stars?

There are several types of shooting stars in space.

Some areas big as or even bigger than planets.

The so-called shooting stars are divided into three sections, namely, meteorites, meteors, and meteoroids.

In this section, you will know about the difference between these three.


1. Meteorites

These are space dust particles that successfully reach the Earth’s surface even after catching fire.

A meteorite is very rare, but astronomers predict that there are possible chances of such a huge dust particle to hit the surface.

Therefore, the main difference between meteors and meteoroids with meteorites is that it reaches the Earth's crust after thriving the atmosphere's friction. 


2. Meteors-

Meteors are the meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up.

These meteors are mainly termed shooting stars.

The main difference between meteors with meteorites is that they cannot reach the Earth’s surface and turn into ashes in the atmosphere. 


3. Meteoroids-

These are dust particles or space dust that are present in space.

Scientists and astronomers term them meteoroids only at the time when they are in space.

These meteoroids have a huge range of sizes. It can be as small as sand granules or also can be as huge as asteroids. 


Fun Facts about Shooting Stars

Here are some interesting facts about stars that you will know for the first time:

The shooting stars form when the space rocks enter the atmosphere of any planet and catch fire.

The fun facts about the stars are that the shooting stars are not real stars, and the term is misleading.

These are mainly space dust particles that sometimes enter the Earth. 

Do you know how big shooting stars are? These shooting stars or meteors can be as tiny as a sand particle or big as large asteroids. 

The shooting stars have a yellowish color as it contains a high percent of iron and thus when it burns it appears yellow. 

Scientists gather a great deal of knowledge from the shooting stars as it helps study the Earth’s atmosphere, the weather, and other space objects present in space. 

These are some facts that you must know about the shooting stars or meteors, to be exact.

Scientists state that there are meteors in space that are capable of destroying the Earth.

The studies of meteors are helping to gather all the possible information about the shooting stars and its effect if it reaches the crust.