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7 Unknown Facts about Taj Mahal

Facts about Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal! The most beautiful place of Agra, where many people come daily to visit and take photos with the Taj Mahal.

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan, or you can say, The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal with white bricks in memory of his third wife.

The Taj Mahal, one of the world's seven wonders.

Every year, visitors from all over the country and the world flock to the Taj Mahal to marvel at its grandeur.

The Taj Mahal has long been seen as a love symbol. 

Mughal King Shah Jahan erected it for his Begum Mumtaz.

There are many such secrets hidden behind the magnificence of this marble building in Agra that few people are aware of.

So, here are the seven unknown interesting facts about the Taj Mahal that you might not have known.


1. The Taj Mahal is made of wood that has to be moist to stay strong

The Taj Mahal is made of wood that requires moisture to be strong.

If the Yamuna River did not run alongside the Taj Mahal, the wood would rot.

Let me tell you that this wood absorbs the river's water.

So, if the river Yamuna did not exist, the Taj Mahal would have collapsed by now.


2. To seek revenge on Shah Jahan, the workers made a hole in the roof

While there are many different stories about the hole in the roof of Mumtaz Mahal's mausoleum, the truth is that when Shah Jahan announced that all laborer's hands would be cut off when the Taj Mahal was finished, so that such a beautiful palace would be unknown to anyone.

The hole in the roof of Mumtaz Mahal's mausoleum was created by the builders/laborers of the Taj Mahal.

If they could not make it, the laborer's created a hole in the roof so they could exact revenge on Shah Jahan, and the structure could not endure long because of it; the waterfalls were straight on Mumtaz's grave during the rain because of this hole.


3. The Taj Mahal was built with 27 different types of stones

Most people probably know that the Taj Mahal is constructed of marble, but did they know that it was built using 27 different types of stones that were carefully obtained from Tibet, China, Sri Lanka, and areas of India? Apart from that, material for the Taj Mahal's construction was brought in from nearly every corner of India and Asia.


4. Opening of the ancient tombs of the Mumtaz and the Shah Jahan

Only three days a year, on the occasion of Shah Jahan's Urs, are the ancient tombs of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan available to the general public.

These tombs were once open to the general public.

Offerings were made to these graves, which have since been decommissioned. Special visitors are also shown the original tombs.


5. Everything was built in such a way that it would slide away from the tomb

The Taj Mahal's four minarets, the 130-foot-high spires, were strategically placed at the edge of the platform, not as an artistic decision.

In the 17th century, huge building undertakings were scarcely a rare casualty.

To safeguard Mumtaz Mahal's crypt, Chief Architect Ustad Lahauri slightly slanted the towers in order to avoid causing harm to the remainder of the Taj Mahal.


6. The Taj Mahal's fountains all work together

You will be surprised to hear that all of the Taj Mahal's fountains work together, each fountain has a tank beneath it that is filled at the same time, and when the pressure builds up, all of the fountains operate without the need of any machinery or motors.


7. Under the British empire, the palace garden was transformed

The Taj Mahal's rich original gardens, which contained lush foliage and 60 exquisite flowerbeds, impacted contemporary Muslim culture.

This landscape was built till India was part of the British empire, and its horticulture ideas were communicated to the palace lawn.

The Taj Mahal's greenery took on a more subtle character under English administration in the late nineteenth century, such as that of British gardens. Also, this is the most interesting fact I ever learned.


Final Words

So, did you like these seven unknown facts about the Taj Mahal?

There are many more such unknown Taj Mahal facts that may not even be covered in one article.

That is why I have told you these seven unknown facts about the Taj Mahal in this article.

I hope you enjoyed this article.