How A Space Rocket Moves in Space
The lustrous space rocket gets ready to take off, as it waits on the launch pad. The engines start to roar, as the ground starts to tremble. The dark smoke covers the bottom of the rocket as it swiftly launches up. And just like that, the space rocket starts to make its journey to the world beyond- space.
Space rockets are important, as they allow space scientists to send satellites, space station parts and even take astronauts to space. A space rocket is a very vehicle that enables one to travel to space. It is our way to reach and communicate with space.
But, how do these space rockets work? Space has no air or atmosphere. It is a void, so what makes space rockets travel and move in space?
How Does a Space Rocket Work?
Space rockets work on the same principle that most other engines work: burning fuel. The space rockets turn the fuel into a hot gas which allows it to move. The engine of the space rocket pushes the gas from the back which makes the rocket thrust forward.
But, the engine of a rocket is not the same as the engine of a jet. A jet engine works in the atmosphere of the Earth, and thus needs air to function. A rocket engine on the other hand works in a vacuum- space. It doesn’t require air.
Types of Rocket Engines
NASA and the other space agencies till that have developed two types of rocket engines.
Some of the NASA rockets use liquid fuel.
The Russian Soyuz is also an example of a space rocket that uses liquid. Other rockets use solid fuel.
You will find two solid rocket boosters on the side of the space shuttle. These are the two spaceship fuels that rockets use.
Why does a rocket work?
One of the commonly asked questions about rockets is how do rockets move in space?
There is nothing in space that the rocket can push against, thus, how do they work in space?
This is where Isaac Newton’s third law of motion comes into the picture.
The Third law of motion says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Thus, in this case, the space rocket has to push on its exhaust.
It is this exhaust that makes the rocket inch forward. This allows it to thrust in a vacuum.
Imagine holding a bowling ball while you are on a skateboard.
As you throw the bowling ball, the ball will go forward, and so will you and your skateboard too.
The ball will move forward and you will move backward.
Thrust and Drag of Space Rockets
There are two types of functions that a space rocket has: thrust and drag.
The force that allows the rocket to go upward is called the thrust.
a. The intensity of the thrust depends on the mass and speed of the gas that the space rocket can fire out.
The exhaust nozzle is also important in this case.
Space engineers need to make sure that the exhaust nozzle is shaped in a way that it can squirt the gas out properly.
b. The moment the engine of the space rocket can get enough power after buying the fuels, it will thrust forward.
c. The thrust needs to be greater than the gravitational force that pulls it down.
As the space rocket starts to go higher and higher into the atmosphere of the earth, the air resistance will try to push it down.
This is also called drag.
d. Now, the thrust of the space rocket has to battle both drag and weight to climb higher into the sky, to reach space.
The Escape Velocity
For the rocket to escape the pull of the gravity of the Earth it needs to burn a lot of fuel quickly.
The speed that a space rocket needs to reach to escape the pull of the earth is called its elapse velocity.
Usually, the escape velocity needs to be at least 40,000 km/h of a rocket.
A huge amount of energy is mandatory for the space rocket to go into space.
The Parts
A space rocket is made of at least three million pieces of different shapes and sizes.
The sheer figure might make you want to think how humongous of a task it is to build a space rocket.
Each little piece is accumulated, planned, and attached intricately to make a glistening rocket that will travel seamlessly through the dark void of space.
a. Structure: This part of the space rocket holds the entire thing together.
It is akin to the fuselage on an airplane.
b. Propulsion system: This is the part of the space rocket that makes it work.
The rocket propulsion system consists of the engine, rocket boosters, and fuel tanks.
c. Guidance system: A rocket cannot work merely with a propulsion system.
It needs a set of instructions to move forward and work.
The guidance system refers to the compeer based navigation system that steers the rocket.
d. Payload: Rockets are usually sent into space to carry certain things: satellites, space station parts, or even people.
This part of the rocket is called the payload.
The stages break away after they use their fuel.
Only the upper stage which carries the payload reaches the final destination. One such rocket is Ariane V.
Space Rocket Engines
One of the biggest and most important parts of a space rocket is its propulsion system.
This is essentially the engine that allows it to reach space.
The current space rockets have engines that use liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
These are pumped into large tanks.
The fuel and the oxygen are stored in high pressure and low temperatures.
This allows more to be carried in smaller tanks.
Thus, the rocket can go further with the same volume of fuel.
Rockets and NASA
In the earlier years, NASA used space rockets that were made by the military.
The first space rockets that NASA built on their own are Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V.
The Apollo missions used these rockets to send astronauts to the moon.
Space shuttles also use space rockets.
Saturn V also brought the parts of the International Space Station.
Some of the NASA rockets also launch satellites.
Some of these rockets are Atlas V, the Pegasus, and Taurus.
How Does the Future Look?
Scientists and space engineers are continuously developing new space rockets that are more advanced.
These rockets will help astronauts reach space on future missions.
These rockets will also take supplies to the ISS so that they can be further expanded.
NASA is also planning to manufacture a bigger and more powerful rocket that will be able to take bigger loads into space.