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The Wonder In Space: How A Space Station Is Built

How A Space Station Is Built

The gigantic structure floats majestically in the dark space.

The glistening multinational project is the single largest structure in space put up by humans. The International Space Station is a marvel to behold.

It was completed fully in 2011 and has been occupied since 2000.

The International Space Station is located in the lower orbit around the Earth and is home to many astronauts.

This space station also doubles up as a science lab, and many countries worked in collaboration to make this space station. There are many space agencies involved. 

The space station also acts as a port for the space shuttle.

This space station is also important for Long-Duration Missions so that the space shuttle can dock for some time in the space station and then make its way.

The space station was put together in space by the astronauts. It is about 250 miles above Earth. 

But, how did the astronauts accomplish this huge task? How are space stations made?

How did they make a space station from Earth? To know all of this, we need to take a trip down history: 


How Old Is the Space Station?

The first part of the International Space Station was launched into space in 1998.

For this, a Russian rocket was used to launch the piece.

Later, two more pieces of the International Space station were launched. In 2000, astronauts went up to the space station to start living as NASA and its partners started completed the space station. 

There are 230 individuals and 18 countries that have been to the International Space Station from Earth. 


The Parts

The space station consists of many parts.

These parts are also known as modules.

The first module of the space station had parts that formed the base of the space station.

These modules are also the places where the astronauts live.

The ISS modules that are called modes are the ones that connect to the station. 

a. There is also a lab in the space station, where the astronauts can do their work and research. 

b. On each side of the space station, there are solar arrays.

These arrays of the space station collect energy from the sun.

This is what the space station uses as electrical power. 

c. There are airlocks on the space station that act as doors.

Astronauts can use them to venture outside and go on gorgeous spacewalks or travel in space.

There are docking ports as well, which are used as ports for visiting space shuttle. 


Assembly Process

There is the core module of the space station. These modules along with the major module make up the space station.

a. Zarya was the first ISS module that was launched by a Proton rocket back in 1998.

After this, the first ISS node module called Unity was connected to

Zarya. In July 2000, another Russian ISS module Zvezda was launched.

This allowed two astronauts to stay on the International Space Station permanently. 

b. To build this completely, 40 assembly flights were sent. Each rocket and flight transported pieces of the International Space Station, which the astronauts connected.

c. The International Space Station had 16 pressurized ISS modules. Out of this five were Russian, eight US, two Japanese, and one European. 

d. All the parts of the ISS are made on earth and then launched into space using rockets. 


The Location 

The space station is around the orbit of the Earth. It is approximately 410 km above it.

Typically, the place where the space station is located is called the Low Earth Orbit.

It goes around the earth is a part of 90 minutes. 


How is the space station controlled? 

The space station is controlled by the astronauts on the ISS who are assisted by the mission control centers in Houston and Moscow.

There is also a payload control in Huntsville, Alla.

Other international space mission control centers support the space station from Japan, Europe, and Canada. 

While the crew aboard is essentially controlling the space station, the mission controllers in Moscow or Houston keep a keen watch to make sure everything is in control and working properly.

The crew often needs help from the crew down on earth to help them control the space station efficiently. 



But, how big is the ISS? The International Space Station is 365 ft long, the modules are 243 ft long and it can hold seven astronauts. 

The space station can house five bedrooms.

It has two washrooms, a huge window that allows the astronauts to gaze at the marvels of space, and a gym.

The ISS weighs a million pounds. 


The Future 

There are plans for more future missions to build the space station further.

Now that the Space station is complete, doesn’t mean NASA and the other countries have stopped.

The ISS is still developing and evolving, as more parts are added to the space station.

NASA has a full plan of how the ISS will look after full completion.

It will have to communicate pressurized ISS modules.

This will give a few more solar panels to them. 

a. For the assembly of these new ISS modules, around 30 space crafts will be sent to provide them with fuel, consumables, and experimental equipment.

These space crafts will be made by SpaceX Dragon, the Russian Progress, European ATV, and the Japanese HTV. 

b. As of January 2021, NASA is all set to upgrade the space stations’ solar array by putting new arrays. 

c. In the Summer and Fall of 2021, Roscosmos is planning to launch the Nakuma Science Module.

This will replace the existing science module. The European Space Agency and Axion Space also have plans to launch more ISS modules.

The current plan states that the space station should remain in operation at least till 2024 and a possible extension till 2021.

After that, the plans are not laid out as to what NASA and its partners plan to do with the space station.

Will it be deorbited and will it be recycled for other space stations is still to be decided. 

There are many more ISS modules that are in talks and are set to launch.

The Space station will get an upgrade in 2021, and the world is waiting to watch it bloom even further.

These upgrades will help the space station function more efficiently and help NASA and other countries in their quest for space travel and exploration.