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Code Away: How to become a programmer in India

How to become a programmer in India

Are you in love with computers?

Are you curious about how games like Fortnite, Pub-g are made?

If these are the questions arising in your mind, then you are dying to become a programmer

As a computer programmer, you are the builders of the computing world.

Human interaction with computers is growing every day at a tremendous rate, especially everything being virtual in the pandemic.

This in turn is opening more possibilities for those interested in programming.

It is expected that about 45 million people will pick this field by 2030. 


But what does a computer programmer do?

A computer programmer or a coder is somebody who composes computer programming.

The term programmer can be utilized to allude to a software developer, software engineer, computer scientist, or software analyst.

With the increase in smartphone technology, this field has become very significant, which drives Internet commerce.

Programming is solving a problem statement which is the input using any kind of programming language and getting a workable output in form of software or application.

Programming languages that are used depends on the problem, common languages are JAVA, Python, PASCAL, C++.

New languages are constantly being developed.

But how does one become a programmer?

How can you become a good computer programmer? Don’t worry, we got your back. 



Before you jump into the preparation for the course, you have to understand your eligibility. Here are some criteria that you must look for if you wish to become a great programmer:

You need to select either the science or commerce field in 10+2 if you want to become a programmer in India.

A minimum of 60 percent is desired for admission in good colleges across India and even in some organizations hiring programmers.

You need to become familiar with a programming language like JAVA, Python, R, or any language you are keen on. 

You should get an internship in the programming field.

This will help you to get a job.

There is no minimum age, but most colleges require you to be at least 17 years before giving you admission.


Courses for becoming a Programmer

The courses you should take to become a computer programmer are the next most important step.

There are options when it comes to taking up a course to become a programmer.


Bachelor of Computer Application

This course is popular among commerce students.

It teaches you the fundamentals of coding.

Various exams like CET for different states and percentages obtained in 12th boards be the selection criteria in colleges.

The duration of the course is 3 years.


Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology

This course doesn’t require any introduction.

This is the most popular option among science students as they get the tag of an engineer.

Most companies prefer hiring B.Tech candidates as along with coding they know hardware, development, computer architecture etc.

The most common streams of engineering are Information Technology and Computer Science.

The exams for selection are JEE Mains, JEE Advanced, CETs of different states and private exams that many universities conduct by themselves.  


Certification Courses

You can also check out multiple online platforms that help you learn your desired coding language even if you are not from the preferable degrees.

These courses can be taken with no or little knowledge of programming.

They are very affordable and has no age limit. It helps anyone to shift careers.

The duration depends on your learning speed.

It helps you get freelancing opportunities and different virtual projects that enhance your confidence and skills.


Master of Computer Application

You can do a post-graduate course as well if you wish to learn more and become an excellent programmer.

This is mostly done to increase your chances to land up a job as a programmer.

The course duration is two years.

Exams required are generally your bachelor percentage and sometimes the state CET for Masters. 


Master of Technology

This is a post-graduation course offered in specialized streams like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Computer Science, Information Technology etc.

This helps you get in-depth knowledge related to programming and computers.

Exams like GATE, State CETs and Bachelor Percentage are considered in selection criteria.


Diploma Courses

Diploma courses are the next choice open to you.

They aren’t very well known. They don’t have any age limit and can also be used for a career shift.

You just have to enrol by paying the required fees and start learning.

Additional Skills expected from a Programmer

Once you have achieved all the exceptional educational qualifications that you require to become a programmer, there are other skills that you need to have.

You need to understand the basics of software engineering.

You also need to have logical thinking skills, be a team member and also have great problem solving skills. 

Programming is analytical work, so make sure you have patience and are ready to go over a single error multiple times to fix it.

It can be quite demanding with mentally and physically.

But, if all of these seem interesting to you, then you are on the right track to become a program. Best of luck, and code your way to the top.