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Looking For Answers: How To Become A Scientist In India

 How To Become A Scientist In India

If you are someone who cannot stop questioning about things around you, or if you cannot stop that curious little mind from straying away into a million thoughts, then you are fit to become a scientist. 

Scientists are those who try to find reasons and answers to things happening around us.

You might want to know how things work and will not stop till you find the answer, and perhaps even make it better.

Most often people think of scientists such as Einstein or Newton to be the only kinds of scientists.

But, that's not true. If you want to become a scientist then you need not be Einstein or Benjamin Franklin.

In today’s day and age, you can move beyond the stereotype and carry on studies, research and experiments on anything.

Who knows, maybe you will be the one who can become a scientist and find out the cancer treatment. 

But how can you become a scientist?

The word itself is too broad.

So, let's look at these steps on how to become a scientist and what kinds of scientist you can become. 



If you want to become a scientist then you must take Science and Mathematics in your school.

You also need to do academically well in subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics.

These subjects are the basis of a successful career as a scientist.

These are your building blocks, so pay special attention to these subjects if you want to become a scientist. 
In class 11-12 you need to choose your Science Stream subjects depending on your field of interest.

You need to have Physics, Chemistry and Maths or Biology.

But you should also have another subject like Environmental Science or Computer Science. 
Once you pass your 12th standard you need to choose a Bachelors course to become a scientist in India.

You can also choose an Integrated Master’s degree after your class 12.

You need to think before you choose a major in your Bachelor’s degree.

Think, in which subject you would like to become a researcher or a scientist in?

According to that, choose your subjects.
After your graduate with your Bachelor’s degree, you cannot just become a scientist.

You need to gather more expertise, experience and a more in-depth level of studying.

Pick a field of your choice and do a Master’s degree.

You can also do an integrated PhD degree instead of a Master’s degree. 

You can also do a Post-Doctoral Fellowship after your PhD if you are unable to get a good job. 


Work Experience 

The internship is quite important if you wish to become a good scientist.

You need to do internships both during your Bachelor’s and your Master’s degree.

You will be sent to research labs, learn research methods and work with scientific equipment. 

Once your Master’s is done you can also work as a Research Assistant.

This will give a great boost to your career as a Scientist.

It is highly recommended that you go for a PhD if you decide to become a Scientist. 



There are many avenues to showcase your skills as a scientist and you need to grab those opportunities. Attend science olympiads, and prepare hard for them.

You can also attend seminars, conferences and exhibitions in areas that interest you.

In such places, you will find other scientists as well.

You can connect with them, ask them for tips as to how to become a great scientist and even ask them if they can mentor you.

This way you will also be able to keep yourself updated with the things that are happening in your field. 


Best Routes 

There are multiple ways in which you can become a Scientist in India.

A scientist doesn’t always been you have to wear a lab coat and stand over chemicals and mix them. 

Here are some of the educational routes that you can take to become a scientist in India. 

You can choose the traditional route- Bachelor’s, Master’s and follow it up with a PhD in your course of becoming a scientist.

If you can skip a PhD for the time being after your M.Sc. or M.S degree and do an M.Phil. first.

An M.Phil. can be done in one or two years. It depends heavily on research. 

You can become a scientist in Engineering Sciences, Applied Sciences or Technology.

For this, you need to do a B.E or a B.Tech course. This course lasts for four years. You can then do an M.E or M.Tech for two years. 

If you wish to get into an integrated course after your 12th, you can do that too. You can start an Integrated M.Sc or M.S right after your 12th. 

If you wish to become a Scientist abroad, then you can do that as well.

You can do a doctoral degree in the USA or Canada, but you need to have a four year Bachelor’s degree in your graduate degree. 

If you wish to become a scientist in Medical Science or health care science then you need to follow a different pathway. Y

ou need to take up biology and research in that particular field. 

If you are more inclined towards Mathematics or Statistics, then you can take up a Bachelor’s degree in Maths and stats.

You can also become a data scientist if you follow this route. 


Entrance Examinations post your 12th

To become a scientist especially in India you need to go through several entrance exams. 

If you want to do a B.E, B.Tech, M.Tech, Integrated M.Sc, in IITs or NITs, then you need to sit for JEE Mains.

Once you pass JEE Mains you need to sit for JEE Advanced.

Depending upon your JEE marks you will know which IIT and which course in IIT do you qualify for. 

If you want to do a four-year B.S course from the Indian Institute of Science then you need to clear- KYPY examination, or JEE Advanced or NEET. 

To study at the Indian Institutes of Science Education & Research (IISER), you have to pass JEE Advanced, KYPY exam and IISER Aptitude Tests. 

If you do not wish to become a scientist in India and wish to go abroad, then you need to sit for SAT exam.

You might also have to appear for TOEFL or IELTS. Some universities also ask for ACT marks and PTE marks.

Some foreign universities might have their requirements- a thesis that you need to show, or a research work that you have done.

So you need to read all the requirements of the universities before you apply. 


Entrance Examinations post Bachelor’s

Once you are done with your B.Sc or B.S you can have to give Joint Admission Test to get into M.Sc, PhD programs.

But, if you are looking to get into top universities like IISER or IISc, then you also need to clear Joint Entrance Screening Test. 

For applying for an M.Tech Degree you need to pass the GATE examination to get a sit-in engineering course at IITs or IITs. 


Entrance Examinations after Master’s

Once you are done with your Masters also, you can sit for the NET- National Eligibility Test and start working as a Researcher or Doctoral Fellow with a research organisation. 

Finally, once you are done with your PhD degree you can start working as a scientist.

You can become a scientist and work with a research organisation, or with the Research and Development department of a company 

You can also become an Assistant Professor at a University of your choice, and keep exploring the newer dynamics of your field.