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How to handle pressure from parents in the academic field?

How to handle pressure from parents

Parents play an essential role in shaping the career of a child. Parental guidance is very vital in showing the right path for their children.

Parents often force their children to fulfill their dreams without understanding whether their child is capable enough to excel in that field or not.

Children must have goals in their lives to succeed in their academic fields. But parents set an expectation following their dreams only.

As a result of these unmatchable parental expectations and peer pressure, children are panic-stricken, and their performance level is adversely impacted.  

This article will try to figure out some core solutions to find ways to cope with the unrealistic parental pressure. 

Expectations and motivations

Many surveys investigated that parents forcefully impose the responsibility of fulfilling their dreams on their children without knowing whether the children have an interest in them or not.

Parents have a strong influence on their children's academic achievements. It is vital to set a goal, but it has to be based on the child’s field of interest and his merit. 

Parents must build a friendly relationship with their children to open up to their parents and express their desired career interest.

A healthy child-parent relation often solves critical problems very quickly.

Parents should make the learning process interesting and exciting for their children. 

Things to understand

The playful way of constantly learning the positives, motivates children to do better in their career.

Parents should respect their child's chosen career prospect even if it does not match their career prospects.  

Parents should motivate their children to realize that scoring high numbers is not everything.

Children should not be overburdened with their parent's high expectations. 

Expectations should be correlated with children’s capacity only. Parents should stand by their children more firmly during their academic failure.

Torturous treatment from parents causes the children in a worse way, which can lead to drugs and many other bad things. So, parents' right expectation and positive motivation will help the children build a successful career in their lives.

Dealing with peer pressure

Social acceptance often drives the children in a negative direction. Mixing with friends is a crucial component of any child's personal development.

Children are often forced to do something which does not excite them, but they do it out of the fear of social rejection.  

Parents incorporate this fear into their children’s minds.  

Parents should find the strong side of their children rather than finding their weak side.

Positive influence and proper guidance will make children confident enough to pursue their interests & shine in their careers.

Children must be taught to follow their dreams rather than copying other’s dreams.

A good group of friends should inspire a child to follow in his footsteps only rather than controlling his dreams.

Parents must make constructive conversations with their children to listen to their hearts.

I hope this article briefly discusses the importance of the right expectations and positive motivation from parents in framing their children’s academic careers efficiently.

Parents must discuss the pros and cons of everything with their children to make them aware of the consequence of any decision.