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How to improve your English Spelling?

How to improve your English Spelling

Many educated adults identify themselves as a poor speller.

Many children also face difficulties in spelling words.

The relation between letters and sounds influence the ability to learn and the ability to read as well.

Mapping of letters and combining the letters help to read out the word.

Spelling entirely depends on how the student is placing the letters mentally.

Children can not memorize many words together because words are not visually clear to them.

The structure of Spelling instruction helps students to learn the reading better.

Students make corresponding solid relations with letters and sounds to spell out a word correctly.

The integrated information of speech sounds and the meaning makes a better understanding of spelling a word correctly.


The impact of writing 

Writing has a substantial impact on the correct spelling of the word.

The possibility of incorrect spelling is reduced when a student is writing a topic.

The scientific function of the brain helps to track the record of spelling, grammar and punctuation while writing.

A spell checker is not an efficient tool to find out the incorrect spelling of a word.

Learning to spell is very important to improve writing and reading skills as well.

A few state standard boards make a list of which words need to be spelt correctly by different grade school students.

The list was made for teachers to understand which spelling words need to be taught from grade 1 to grade 5.

The correct sounding of letters will improve the spelling in the best possible way.

Teachers also should make a proper design of spelling instruction to help students effectively. 

Words that are difficult to spell for children are marked correctly with a hashtag


Grade 1

a     fat      Like#   sat
am#  fun#  man  she
came# his# one# toy#


Grade 2 

about# father# lives sat
bird girl nail tail
been# from#  most #store


Grade 3

bear getting# paint team
believe# guess# people# thinking
better having# place thought#


Grade 4

doctor# laugh student yell
charge# happened# reasoned# wear
broken excuse policy tried#


Grade 5

although different# planet suddenly
among favorite president indeed #
attention future probably# they’re#


Teachers should encourage the students to learn the topic efficiently and reward their effort by giving them a prize.

The teacher should treat the mistakes of students in a constructive way. 
This article has explained effective ways to learn the correct method of spelling.  

It is entirely parent's and teachers' vision and maturity to deal with the complicated spelling challenges that students face.