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How to Teach Persuasive Writing Method | Eduauraa Blog

Persuasive Writing Method

When children start to grow up and express their interests in writing, they must have the opportunity to use multiple formats in their writing.

Students can form particular reasons for their personal opinions through persuasive writing.

They find an opportunity to research the facts of their own opinions.

Students will learn the persuasive characteristic of marketing promotions when they begin to realize the influence of writing on the thoughts and actions of other people.


The methodology involved behind persuasive writing

Persuasive writing involves some methods that should be followed by the children in a particular manner 

1. Students must first learn to listen and read the examples present in the persuasive writing method.

Both the teacher and the student must learn to identify the words, phrases, and methods that the writer is using to persuade the listener.

2. Make the students think about something with which they share their passion, whether it is a library closing season, an added break time, or another chapter that they can read aloud.

The extent of passion in the students on these topics will depend on how they love to face them in reality.

3. With the choice selected, the students need to clarify their reasons to access these advantages.

There “because I love it” or “just because” or “I feel like it” answers cannot be accepted.

Initiating a group activity among the students might help them draw three reasonable conclusions to justify their argument.

The website “Teaching Ideas” can offer a list of phrases and persuasive words to help the students to begin the activity.

4. The students need to undergo some research levels to obtain the facts that justify their reasons.

5. The students must learn to summarize and “make short” their viewpoints.


Language Arts

A Persuasion Map Planning Sheet can help the students to follow the required steps.

ReadWriteThink’s persuasive learning lessons using the book Emily's Runaway

Imagination written by Beverly Cleary helps to teach the children how to write letters to a librarian.

Some titles have also been added to the library.

The Persuasion Map Planning Sheet reveals the writing life cycle of a persuasive letter.

This letter is written to the parents of a child that describes a suitable summer vacation spot.

The resource starts with brainstorming, followed by drafting, to editing, and ends with its publishing.


Health or Science

A speech writing lesson from WritingFix uses the RAFT strategy with the Otto Runs For President mentor text.

According to this lesson, the students assume their roles as a speaking vegetable or a talking fruit.

The students can then start making a run for a campaign speech that explains why their vegetable or fruit is the appropriate candidate for the task.

There also remains a pretentious “Fruit/Vegetable of the Year'' election for this particular campaign.