Impact of Colonialism in India - Eduauraa
When India achieved independence from Great Britain on August 15, 1947, the overwhelming majority of Anglo-Indians would have either already gone or were planning to leave within a few months of the announcement. Likely, many members of the Indian Civil Service could later write about the trauma they had suffered as a result of seeing the violence that characterized the years leading up to British rule's demise and the carnage that ensued when the lines for the division were announced.
Behind the scene
A lot more pain was caused by colonialism for colonial people than for their colonizers; that is undeniable.
The poor, malnourished, and afflicted with illness and experiencing cultural upheaval, capitalist exploitation, political disadvantages, and deliberate programs aimed at instilling a feeling of social and racial inferiority.
Many people believe that any pain experienced by British colonialists should be greeted with minimal compassion; nevertheless, this is not a justification for erasing it from historical memory.
It was the exact idea that Indian administrative service personnel was usurpers, full of luxury, in a foreign country that contributed to the diminished feeling of humanism that so many experienced — during and after their service in India.
For example, as I will describe in my next book, some people want to remain disconnected from Indian culture until they are compelled to do so for professional reasons.
Others managed to get away by drowning themselves in alcoholic beverages, opium, or other narcotics. Some came to believe in the superior intellect of the white American and his desire to control "inferior races," while others sought comfort in the teachings of the Christian religion.
Several of them came for seeing their role as a peacekeeper among various ethnicities and religions, even after the irony that the British had encouraged and fully utilized the categorization of colonial masters on these basics in the first location, and even though they were colonial subjects in the first place.
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- Underneath all that, there was a trauma that colonialists had to either cope with or leave their position and return to their own country.
Providing service to the Raj
My study has concentrated on a service member from the late Raj who accounts for the coping skills that British authorities employed to deal with the situation.
Andrew Clow joined the National Public Sector in 1912 when he was 22 years old.
He would stay in the service till 1947, when he reached the statutory retirement age of 35 years.
His most prominent positions were secretary of India Labor Bureau throughout the late 1930s, minister for telecommunications in the early 1940s, and governor of Assam between 1942 to 1947, all of which he held simultaneously.
During the late Raj, Clow, with his tens of thousands of comrades, essentially controlled India, except for the British.
At the time, British reputation was declining, and public and political opinion of colonialism as an acceptable social, economic, and political practice was deteriorating.
The Indian independence movement, with Gandhi Ji as its negligible ruler, coincided with the spread of anti-British international propaganda about the British Empire, which came primarily from the Soviet Union and its sympathizers as the establishment of the Indian independence movement.
Self-doubt and self-loathing are common.
In the 1920s, the Independent India struggle gained popularity and got a considerable amount of support both domestically and internationally.
The Amritsar Massacre of unarmed protestors by British and Gurka soldiers in 1919 drew widespread public condemnation.
Two members of Clow's public service entrance year group were murdered at a market in the West Bengal city of Midnapore a year later.
Clow contemplated quitting numerous times during the early 1920s, according to letters he sent to a friend about the subject.
During this time of introspection, he came to doubt his place within the colonial system profoundly, but he eventually chose to continue his professional life in the colonial service.
The brought Up
Having been brought up as a genuine Christian, Clow's existence in India would evolve into a spiritual cocoon.
He exploited his connection with God to conceal his pain at having been brought up as a colonial usurper.
He rose through ranks of the government, he became more distant from Indians or Hinduism, and he showed compassion for the suffering of those who had been exploited by the British.
He spent the overwhelming bulk of his day with the other Europeans, and his vacations were spent at his home in Shimla, a British prime location in the Himalayan region.
The majority of his entries in his journals throughout the 1930s and 1940s were composed of written prayers pleading for redemption, interrupted with private remarks of self-loathing, which he wrote in confidence both himself & God.