Letter Writing: Format, Types, Tips For Competitive Exams
Letter Writing is a must-know academic skill. Everyone needs to write letters at some point of their lives.
Letter writing has also been a part of the educational curriculum since the old days.
Letter writing requires the knowledge of some basic formats.
You cannot write a letter according to your format. Different types of letters are prevalent, and each letter type comes with a different format and structure.
It is a vital role for the teachers and parents to encourage their students and children to write letters from an early age.
It helps to improve their handwriting and communication skills.
Firstly, children must know how to write letters.
Types of Letters:
1. We can classify letters into two categories,
2. Formal Letters
3. Informal Letters
Various types of letters coming under these two categories are,
1. Appointment Letter
2. Invitation Letters
3. Sorry Letters
4. Thank You Letters
5. Complaint Letter
6. Enquiry Letters
7. Editorial Letters
8. Letters to Santa Claus
Speciality in a Handwritten Letter
There is pure happiness and delight in sending and receiving letters. Handwritten letters have their attraction.
Something is magical about putting the letters in the post box and then waiting for the letters to be delivered.
There works an excitement within in the hope of receiving a letter with a reply.
You feel happiness from the core when you receive a letter from someone close to you.
You can keep the letter for a long time and read it whenever you wish.
Before you start writing a letter, you must understand which type of letter it is and then structure the format accordingly.
Formal Letters
1. The sender's address will be at the top right corner
2. Mention the telephone number/ Email address
3. The receiver's address will be on the left side below the sender's address
4. Mention date
5. Begin the letter with greetings like Respected, Mrs, Mr, Ms, etc.
6. The content
7. Finish the letter with 'yours faithfully' or 'yours sincerely.'
8. Sign in below
9. Also, write your full name in block letters
Informal Letters
1.The sender's address will be at the top right corner of the page
2. Mention the telephone number
3. The greeting is important- Dear, Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.
4. Complimentary end- see you soon, lots of love, etc.
5. Finish the letter with ‘Yours’.
Tips to Write Good Letters:
1. First, decide whether the letter is formal or informal
2. Maintain a clear and readable handwriting
3. Provide the correct contact details
4. Divide your content into multiple paragraphs
Apart from these, Editorial letters, Complain letters, Thank You letters, Invitation letters, Enquiry letters and Letters to Santa are taught in schools to the students from class V – IX.