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Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Biography (Untold Story)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Biography

The first education minister of India was none other than Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

Every year, National education day is celebrated in remembrance of this great leader.

He was an activist too. He was born on 11 November 1888.

His birthplace was in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He was married to Zulaikha Begum. He also played an important role in the freedom movement of India. He was a senior official in Indian National Congress.

He is commonly known as "Maulana Azad." He was a scholar and a political activist. He openly promotes the non-violence movement. He also used to promote khadi that is an Indian tradition, to benefit and unite Indian khadi weavers. He served the country as an education minister for nine years. 
Maulana Azad was very influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's ideas, like the non-violence movement. Maulana Azad  was a follower of Mahatama Gandhi, and he also participated in many freedom struggle movements.

He used to write poems and articles as he was a poet too, to influence the people and to awaken them.

In 1912 he started writing journals to motivate the youths of the county in the freedom struggle. The name of his journal was Al-hilal. His articles were so revolutionary.

The British government had to ban his journals.  He participated as a leader of the khilafat movement and non-cooperation movement, which was held for the protest of the 1919 Rowlett act.

He made history in 1923 by becoming the youngest to become the president of the Indian National Congress. 

Maulana Azad's tenure as the president of the Indian National Congress was from 1940 to 1945, in which he was imprisoned with the whole congress team, but that didn't stop him. He never gave up until he made India free from British rule.

He used to publish his content in newspapers to unite Hindu and Muslims.

You will be surprised to know that the Jamia Milia institute, which is in New Delhi, was established by Maulana Azad.

Azad knew the Britisher's tactics to divide Hindu and Muslim. His belief was in secularism and democracy. He visited many countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, etc., to share his point of view about secularism. 

Abul Kalam Azad was a great author. He had written many books in his life, which are very inspiring. The names of some of his books are mentioned below-:

1. India wins freedom: The complete version

2. Ghubar - e - Khatir

3.Tatjuma al- Quran 

4. Azad on Pakistan

5. Tazkirah

6. Khutbat- e Azad

7. Ideas of a nation: maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad died in the year 1958 due to stroke. In the year 1992, he was awarded award Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award. Since 2008 Every year on his birthday, national education day is celebrated.