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Facts to know about the power of brain

power of brain

Humans are superior to other species simply because of the difference in their brains.

The human brain is capable of logical thinking, rationalizing, and solving complex problems.  

There are three major parts that are responsible for the power of the human brain - the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum, and the Brain Stem.

Therefore, this article highlights these parts and their functions.

1. The Cerebrum

The cerebrum is the most significant part of the brain.

There are two divisions in it - the left and right hemispheres.

A human's right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the cerebrum, whereas the left side of the body is governed by the right hemisphere.

Moreover, both hemispheres are divided into four sectors called lobes.

Their function is to interpret and control all the information.

The Frontal Lobe

The function of this lobe is to control some of the features like personality, intelligence, and concentration.

It gets triggered when we plan and face various scenarios.

The frontal lobe controls activities like our speech and body movement.

The Temporal Lobe

The lobe is essential for the auditory features of the human body and is present close to the ears.

It also looks over the memory part.

Moreover, the temporal lobe helps in learning a new language and with the pronunciations and is also instrumental in triggering emotions.

The Parietal Lobe

The identification of different objects just by touching is controlled by this lobe.

It also helps the body experience the change in temperature.

In a broader sense, it triggers a sense of pain, touch, and temperature. Moreover, the parietal lobe also helps in navigation by providing a visual and spatial sense.

The Occipital Lobe

This lobe is essential for human vision.

The function of it is to receive and process the visual images.

As a result, humans are capable of differentiating between different visuals.

2. The Cerebellum

The movement of the body, the posture, and the balance is directed by the cerebellum.

It is situated below the cerebrum, and its function is to receive information from the spinal cord, the sensory receptors, and various parts of the brain.

The cerebellum processes all this information to provide the correct movement and posture for the body.

The importance of this part is immense since any injury or blow to the cerebellum may lead to tremors in the body.

This will happen because of the loss of coordination and general motor skills as the cerebellum is injured.

3. The Brain Stem

The flow of messages or information from the brain to various parts of the body is controlled by the brain stem.

Functions like blood pressure, swallowing, and breathing are also influenced by this part, and it joins the brain to the spinal cord.

It also helps in regulating the human sleep cycles. Moreover, a person can maintain consciousness because of the brain stem.

Therefore, these are the divisions that are responsible for the power of the human brain and its functions.

However, some parts of the human brain are still a mystery, and scientists are working continuously to decode it.