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Right Brain Left Brain Test

In this blog, we will discuss the fascinating topic of the Left and Right brain test.

The right brain and left brain signifies the right and left sides of the human brain, respectively.

The Nobel laureate Roger W. Sperry first invented the right-left brain theory.

The left brain is more logical and practical, whereas the right brain is known to be highly emotional.

The right brain focuses less on the facts and more on impulses.

The left brain thinks in a very realistic way.

On the other hand, the right brain tends to be very creative and imaginative.

The left human brain is very organized and disciplined, whereas the right brain is comparatively very confused and baffled all the time.

The right brain is indecisive, so to say.

People with a strong left brain are good at mathematical facts.

The right brain loves to tell and listen to fictitious stories.

Certain types of tests for the left and right brain assess their dominance on the human brain.

The blog will focus on different tests applied in the right and left brain and see whether the right and left brain is in a balanced state or dominate each other.


How to test for right of Left Brain Dominance

According to Psychology, the brain consists of two hemispheres.

The left and right part of the brain communicates with each other through the corpus callosum.

The left brain controls the right body muscles, vice versa.

There are several ways to understand the dominance of the left or right brain on one individual.

According to the researches, the left brain is very logical, and the right brain is all about art and imagination.

The people dominated by their left brain are very practical and rational.

On the opposite pole, people with domineering right brains are fond of aesthetics and imagination.

Students with strong left brain functions tend to choose mathematics and science subjects.

The people with right-brain dominance are blessed with artistic qualities like singing, dancing, recitation, painting, etc.

The majority of people are dominated by either of the sides of the brain.

People with different brain dominance think in different ways.

You are born with an overpowering influence of the left or right brain on you, but you can become a whole-brained person with the help of techniques.

These characteristics of the individuals indicate the dominance of their left or right brain.

Other tests can differentiate between the strength of your right and left brain.

It is a fact that both the brain sides have a strong and almost equal impact on an individual, but still, there lie chances of the differences.

There are different tests like the Left Brain Right Brain Picture Colour Test and Left Brain Right Brain Visual Test to detect which part of the brain dominates an individual.

The people with dominant right brains are more appreciative of colors.

They tend to be more interested in social studies.


Right Brain

As per the left brain and right brain dominance theory, the right part of the brain is creative and expressive. Individuals with right-brain dominance possess qualities like

1. Composing Music

2. Blessed with Photogenic Memory

3. Reading People’s minds

4. Vocal about their Feelings and Emotions

5. Imaginative and Emotional

6. Profoundly Intuitive

7. Writing Stories and Poetry

8. Have a sense of Aestheticism


Left Brain

One dominated by the left-brain is analytical and logical about their lives and circumstances.

There are certain unique features known to signify the left brain,

1. Have Great Language Skills

2. Possess critical thinking ability

3. Good in Remembering Facts

4. Quick in solving reasoning and maths

Despite all the tests, you must remember one thing: the dominance of any one side of the brain is not definite.

You can better the performance of your brain with constant exercise and efforts.

According to some researchers, the concepts of color test and visual test are bogus.

These tests have nothing to do with the strength of your brain.

This differentiation is also sometimes tagged as a myth associated with the brain.

People might have different definitions of particular colors in their minds, but that has nothing to do with their brain performance.

It is all related to your knowledge of color and shades.

The entire concept of left brain and right brain dominance is in the mid of confusion.

Some scientists find this difference to be valid, whereas some look at these differences to be untrue.

However, as we are discussing the left brain and right brain tests, we must go ahead with all the data we have.


Left VS Right Brain Test

When you test a boy/girl on the basis of their brain dominance, you would see the child with left-brain strength,

1. Remembers numbers and meanings

2. Have sound numerical skills

3. Good in speaking and writing a language

4. Tend to see things from a neutral perspective

On the other side, a boy/girl with right brain functions,

1. Have a good knowledge of 3D shapes

2. Can imagine abstract things

3. Have profound instinctive power

4. See things from a subjective view

5. Blessed with creative imagination power

Several brain-enhancing activities and exercises can help you strengthen the weaker side of your brain.

The left-brain and right-brain test is actually an assessment through the interactive version of the Open Hemispheric Brain Dominance Scale- a measuring unit of the right and left brain cognitive power.

The idea of one hemisphere being more robust than the other had become popular since the end of the 20 th Century.

According to the Oxford Academic Journals, children at the age of 3-4 are dominated by their right brain, whereas the left brain function becomes wholly grown up at the age of 7-8.

1. The Professional Probabilities,

2. An Individual with left-brain dominance will be,

3. Administrators

4. Scientists

5. Mathematicians

6. Reporters

7. Journalists

8. Language Programmers

9. Businessperson

An Individual with right-brain dominance can be,

1. Designers

2. Musicians or Singers

3. Painter

4. Psychologists

5. Managers

6. Psychotherapists

7. Writer


To Conclude,

Many online tests are available on the internet to assess the dominance of your left or right brain.

Both the parts have integral functions in your brain, where there are chances of one half to be more powerful.

In this blog, we discussed the features of left and right-brained people.

You can quickly test whether you are left-brained or right-brained based on the features.

To have a balanced brain, you can practice some mental exercises.