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Significance of word maps | Paperless Classroom

Significance of word maps

A word map is a visualization tool that promotes vocabulary development.

The graphical representation of the word enables students to understand the meaning of the word.

The prime objective of a world map is to engage students in knowing the definition, synonyms, antonyms of the word.  

Developing a strong vocabulary will help students to express their thoughts while reading an essay or article.


The reason for using a word map

Students will learn the meaning of the word and also understand how to implement the word correctly in a sentence.

Word map expands the vocabulary skills by introducing other meaning of the exact words s well.

Hence, students learn the different meaning of the same word and know the exact use of the word to make the writing material constructive and grammatically correct.


The method of using word maps

a. Select the target word to the students with a map

b. Keeping the word in the central box of the map

c. They are seeking suggestion from students to fill the blank boxes with the proper answers.

The three mandatory questions which need to be answered by the students are “what is it"? "what is it like"? “what are some examples?”.

d. They tell students to use synonyms, antonyms and pictures to demonstrate the new concept and explain the relevance of the answers written in the boxes. 

e. We are encouraging students to come up with a new definition of the given word.


Word map through examples

Teachers introduce the word map concept in teaching different scientific and mathematical concepts.

In such a way, they get introduced to new words and know how to use them in writing.

Differentiated instruction is made by the teachers so that every student receives academic achievements.

The main objective is to make every student excel in their academic field.  

Teachers differentiate content, process, products, and learning environment by depending on students' capabilities and adaptive power.


The importance of word map

Students can take help from any other student to complete the answers.

The fruitful conversation will create more ideas and concept that will expand the knowledge of students.  

Teachers allow a student to use relevant pictures to explain any meaning.

This picture selection process will enhance the analytical skills of students.

The thought process also gets developed by the word map strategy.

Teachers instruct students to use a dictionary or encyclopedia to complete a word map.

Student’s reading skills also get enriched through the word map strategy. Students find a world map as an exciting tool to learn new words.

It becomes easier for students to express thoughts by knowing the variety of words.

Hence completing a word map makes students feel confident and motivated due to gaining strong vocabulary knowledge.
We hope this article will help the readers know the importance of word maps for students' academic excellence.