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Who invented study first? Lets Go Back in Ancient Time

who invented studies

Study is one of the essential aspects in our life whether we are looking to take admission in college or university or we just want to work to earn our livelihood. Study help us know a lot of information and gives us confidence.

By study, we can make a psychological model of the world and it helps us in coping with different situations. When we need to expand our knowledge in multiple fields it is required, we need to expand our knowledge.

Moreover, it helps build vital skills in your career and helps figure out which job is right for you. Reading this article, you will know who invented studies and why it is important in our lives.


1. Invention of Studies

No doubt being a student, we have an almost terrible relationship with examinations.

However, have you ever questioned yourself who is behind these horrifying assessments and who invented study? According to historical sources, exams were invented by Henry Fischel in the late 19th century.

He was an American businessman and philanthropist who is the man behind this traumatic form of examination. He was the man who invented studies.


2. The Concept of Examination

Examination concepts have ancient roots. According to some sources, most people attribute that examination to Henry Fischel; however, exams came from ancient China. Almost 2000 years ago, China was organized with an elite club of government officials, and to enter the club; one needs to pass the examinations that emperor Zhang of Hen designed. So Henry Fischel is the name of the person who invented studies.


3. Knowing About Cambridge Hall of Exams

Very few people know about the relationship between exams and Cambridge University.

According to historical sources, this university was one of the most popular and widely recognized institutes worldwide. In the late 19 century, schools requested this university for a standardized test for male pupils across England.

The first exams in England were conducted in 1858 and were open to only boys.

The examination took place across school churches or places where students can take the exam without any hassle. However, the subjects are very similar subjects that we get tested on today, like English, Mathematics, German, French, Politics, Geography, etcetera.

There were also external invigilators allocated who traveled from Cambridge to different parts of the country to look after those tests. You can refer to the internet to have access to the first question paper prepared by Cambridge University and to know about who invented studies first.


4. Test through Time

It was only a few decades back the concept of testing evolved drastically.

However, previously university was focused on regular tests. Still, now holistic testing has been given the utmost priority as it helps in judging the overall picture rather than focusing on specific components. This test is used in colleges, but holistic testing plays a crucial role while interviewing a person for jobs.

Moreover, holistic assessment is more engaging than regular tests. This is because holistic assessment helps you to point out the areas on which we should improve.

Additionally, this type of assessment also helps the corporation hunt for the best talent rather than the right person who suits the organization.

Now that you have known about who invented studies and the man who invented the arrangement of studies, you must know the importance of studies in the future. Check out the below section to have in-depth knowledge about why the study should be considered seriously in the future.


5. To Figure Out Where your Passion Lies

Most people still don't know where their passion lies. Figuring out your passion is your responsibility, and in life, it is not always easy to know where your passion lies. You have to know what makes you happy.

Additionally, you also need to ensure whether you enjoy it while doing the task or not. However, when you get into the industry, you don't need to have good knowledge about that particular field. You can learn about it first and then dive head later into the industry.

Whether you are looking for a part-time course or would like to go for education full-time, focusing more on the area you are interested in will help you to figure out whether it's the correct path for you or not.


6. Studying Helps You to Expand Your Interest

While looking at the above line, you might wonder how you can study and expand your interest. If you pick an idea that you are interested in and find a reason to expand your knowledge on that aspect, you will expand your interest. Moreover, it's also a great option to fulfill the ambitions you might have missed out on in the past.

If you have wanted to learn to code and did not have time for it in the past, you can now grab the chance. Whether you want to learn graphic design or are interested in mythology, there's always a way to make studying work for you.


7. Quantifying Your Skills

Most people have enough skills in them; however, they face difficulties while proving it to others. This type of situation is often faced by people when it comes to job searches.

Hence, taking a course that will help you put your skills and experience on the CV will help you quantify your skills. Moreover, organizations will choose someone who has industry-recognized qualifications rather than someone who has skills in accounting. 

So being a job hunter, you should know that qualifications are not a prerequisite for a role, and you should focus on some other courses that would enhance your CV. So it would be best if you trust in yourself and your extra efforts as it will pay dividends in your long-run career.


8. Study Will Widen Your Carrier Options And Help For Degree

Landing your dream job is not easy; however, a dream job can be easy for you if you have the right qualification. However, it is not an essential factor in every career; for example, industries like engineering, healthcare, teaching, etc require only a degree, to begin with, but specific sectors look for recognized qualifications in the candidates to get started with.



The article has highlighted the importance of study and you have known about the person behind the invention of examination. So when it comes to your career, studies and examination could give you a much-needed lift.

Hope you have got to know who invented studies in India, and the man who invented the arrangement of studies.
