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Why is Urine Yellow in Colour- Eduauraa

Why is Urine Yellow in Colour

The human body is a mystery in itself.

Several parts and mechanisms within human anatomy are still under constant study, such as the brain.

On the other hand, humans have managed to find out the reasons behind many important phenomena that are going on inside them. One such process is the excretory system.

In the human body, excretion is an essential function that is carried out in the form of faeces and urine.

So, a person interested in how a human body works must be aware of intricacies like the reason behind the yellowish color of urine. 

The color of urine normally ranges from pale yellow to deep amber.

This color variation is the result of a pigment called urochrome, sometimes known as urobilin.

The appearance of this pigment is the result of the state of urine, whether it is diluted or concentrated.

Drinking more water will make the body more hydrated and hence will result in lighter urochrome.

However, certain factors can also temporarily affect the urine color, such as chemicals and pigments present in the food intake and medicines. 

Normal Colour of Urine

The amount of water taken is the major factor influencing the color, whether dark amber or pale yellow.

In normal cases, people drinking more water produce diluted urine in comparison to those who get dehydrated.

When someone drinks plenty of water, the urine becomes very light, almost clear.

Similarly, going very long without drinking water will make the urine darker. Some changes in urine color can signify certain medical conditions.

Therefore, whenever the color goes out of the yellow spectrum, it is best to visit a doctor for medical issues.

Factors affecting Urine Colour

Water is the primary reason that affects urine color most of the time. However, certain factors influence the shade of one's urine.


1. Diet

Apart from water, diet affects the color of the urine sometimes.

If someone eats natural foods, their color can mix with the pigments, creating a different shade.

In highly processed foods, the concentration of food dye is high and hence can severely affect the pigments.

There are also certain vitamins like cobalamin(B-12) and riboflavin(B-2), which create fluorescent yellow, green urine.

Multivitamin supplements may also result in brightly colored urine.

A similar food filled with such B vitamins and can have similar effects is meal replacement shakes.

There are also cases where people intake excess beta carotene or vitamin C, leading to dark yellow or even orange urine.

Interestingly, this beta carotene is usually found in orange and yellow fruits like sweet potatoes and carrots and gets converted to vitamin A inside the body.

Additionally, vitamin C is also present in things like broccoli, strawberries, and tomatoes.

2. Medicines

Medications can also affect the color of the urine.

This is seen mostly in prescription and over-the-counter medications such as antibiotics, laxatives, and some chromotherapy drugs for treating cancer.

Phenazopyridine (Pyridium) is one such medicine that is normally used for discomfort issues regarding urinary tract infections.

However, it has been seen that it produces orange-colored urine as a side effect. Even rifampin may also harmlessly produce bright orange-colored urine.


3. Workouts

Dehydration is a common phenomenon after a good exercise.

However, this will result in dark-shaded urine.

Moreover, severe workouts without regular hydration can lead to serious issues such as muscle breakdown.

This may also facilitate the production of tea-colored urine alongside muscle pain. In such cases, a person will need immediate medical assistance.


4. Medical Conditions

Doctors often inquire about the color of the urine to identify signs of bladder, kidney, or liver problems.

For example, cloudy urine with a strong smell will signify a kidney or bladder infection.

This will become more significant if a person experiences pain while urinating or has a fever, back pain, and vomiting symptoms.


5. Pregnancy

There are also certain claims relating pregnancy to urine color, although without any proper research or study.

Many people suggest that an early symptom of pregnancy is the production of bright-yellow urine.


Treatment of unusual Urine Colour

The procedures of treating abnormal urine color depend on the result of several medical tests.

It is best to visit a doctor when urine color has changed and work according to their guidance.

However, in most cases, doctors will recommend drinking water or adding fluids to the die if the urine is of dark-yellow color.

If there are traces of any major medical condition, doctors will treat it accordingly and provide the necessary medications.

Therefore, there is some information on the yellowish color of urine, the reasons, and the factors affecting the color.

Excretion is an important body process, and hence every person should seek medical help when there are abnormalities regarding any of the excretory system's functions.