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Why should you be hired for this internship (Edurauraa Blog)

why should you be hired for this role

How many of you have heard this in an interview? Every one of us has gone through those interviews where we have been asked this question.

In this article, we will learn how to tackle this kind of interview question.

The best answer for why should you be hired for this internship is to show the confidence you carry and sell yourself well but never say do not know instead show the employer that the job is well researched beforehand by you.


Why should you be hired for this role answers are:-

1. Explaining why you are a great fit because of the job requirements that fit in.
2. Show how motivated you are when it comes to the job.
3. Express how excited are you to get the internship.


Kinds of Internship

Paid internship; These are in the private sector and pay people to learn while they work.
Students go for paid internships.

Unpaid Internship; These are generally internships where the experience matters more than
anything else.

Semester internships, quarterly internships, summer internships, fall internships, spring internships, and holiday or winter internships based on the timing of the year.

And also we can work with interns with longer durations.


Why should we select you to apply to all types of internship interviews?

Why do internships?

There are various reasons why we should do internships.

Internships help you to:-

Gain hands-on experience on a particular job-

An internship helps you gain work experience with less pressure.

Even if your internship is not related to a different career path the professional experience matters and helps you develop workplace skills.

Finally, everyone in the organization knows that the intern is there to learn and do their best Networking.

A chance to network with people in the industry and develop new networks.

If you are going into the IT industry developing a strong bond with the IT manager can help you later to get a new job.


Building Resume: Internships can help you build a strong resume. Internships can give a competitive advantage over the candidates when applying for openings. Connections; As we know connections help you in the industry. So Internships help you to find suitable positions in the companies you are interested in.

Time Management Skills: Internships help you to develop time management skills because you get a real-time experience of the job; why should we hire you? the best answer for fresh graduates; This question may sound scary but it works in favor of us because that is the time when we can sell ourselves.

During this time we can talk about the strength and weaknesses and carefully understand the job description and tailor our responses accordingly.

An internship before turning a graduate is a win-win situation because you already have prior experience.


Preparations before the internship interview

1. Particularly research about the company you will be giving an interview for.
2. If you know your interviewer before the interview does brief research about him too.
3. Run the interview on your mind and prepare your own set of questions.
4. Conduct an interview on your mind like a mock interview.
5. Eat healthy before the interview

6. Keep your mind free.
7. Dress well formally western or Indian formals

Let us discuss certain points regarding the preparation of your interview for an internship.

You should be well prepared about the internship you have applied for and also researched well regarding the company.
A successful interview is complete only when the student is well aware of the interviewer too along with the company, knows his role well, and is confident. This is an add-on.

Why should you be hired for this role can be answered only if you know the role beforehand so try rehearsing the interview on your mind before going for it? Prepare a set of questions on your mind before you present yourself in front of the interviewers.

This helps you be ready with few questions already and it does not come as a surprise.

Always eat healthy on the interview day.

Keep yourself hydrated and be confident about the interview no matter how it goes.

On the interview day what you wear matters whether western or Indian formals.

Your confidence and your dress tell a lot of things about you and decide whether you will be selected for the role or not.

So, above were the tips for the students to prepare themselves so that they can confidently answer the questions on the d day and can tell them why they should hire them for the internship.



1. Because I know a lot about your organization and then you can talk about the company.
2. Because you (the interviewer) have inspired me to apply for this role and you can tell whatever you have researched about the interviewer.
3. Why you fit into this role balancing your strengths and weaknesses can be a good way to answer this question.
4. Bring ahead your skills and explain to them how you have tackled a problem earlier in some way and how the internship will allow proving it to them.
5. How willing you are to learn from the internship? This will create curiosity in their minds.



So at the beginning of the article, we knew nothing about how should we tackle this question why should I be hired for this internship?

But we discussed quite a few things in the article starting from preparing oneself before the interview to why to do internships, types of internships, and few answers to tackle the question.

Now we have a chain of instructions to follow to get that question right.

Firstly, prepare yourself, Secondly, sell yourself, Thirdly, do not be sad if you cannot give a perfect reply because there isn’t any, it all depends upon the interviewer.