Are you looking for the solutions for your class 12th biology CBSE Exams?
NCERT solutions class 12 biology is the best solution to attain good marks. NCERT is designed by the central board of secondary education (CBSE) for schools' curriculum. These biology class 12 NCERT solutions help students with answers that clear their concept and give them an in-depth analysis of the topic, building interest. Students are encouraged to use a logical approach and methodology to solve questions correctly.
Eduauraa is an e-learning platform that provides class 12 biology ncert solutions for free in pdf, which can be downloaded. The solutions are enough for CBSE school exams and give a good base with the fundamentals for entrance examinations.
Solutions of NCERT biology class 12 are the best books for the students. Eduauraa, with its interactive videos, explains the study material in the best possible way through its expert faculty, having years of experience. The mentors teach students that students are provided with the simplest form of explanations given in the solutions of biology NCERT class 12. They prepare students not just for board and school examinations but competitive exams like JEE and NEET.

Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions:
Eduauraa have explained precisely the concepts in the NCERT class 12 biology textbook with the motion graphics, which includes good diagrams. It helps in clearing the basics of the subject from the beginning through tests and sample papers. Thus, this platform works best and helps in scoring good marks overall.
The Chapter include (Chapter-wise):
In this ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 1, types, modes, and reproduction processes in different organisms are discussed. The other topics covered here are as follows-asexual and sexual reproduction, fertilization events and pre-fertilization.
This chapter will know the combination of four chapters and holds enormous importance in class 12th board examinations. The topics like the structure, morphology, sexual reproduction structure of plants that are flowering are explained. Also, ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 2 gives a depth analysis of pre-fertilization events, post-fertilization events, double fertilization, apomixis, and polyembryony.
The human and female reproductive systems are learned. This chapter is comprehensive and easy to learn as it consists of diagrams, flowcharts, and illustrations. The topics explained include Spermatogenesis, gametogenesis, female reproductive systems, male reproductive systems, and other introductory topics in context to human reproduction.
The significance of reproductive health and is to achieve it are focused ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 4. Maternal health and child health during pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy, infant mortality, maternal mortality, and amniocentesis are discussed. The subtopics which are also explained are the problems and strategies of reproductive health, birth control and population explosion, medical termination of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and infertility.
This chapter revolves around evolution and genetics, discussing the similarity and variations between parents and offspring. The main topics taken into consideration in ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 5 are Mendel's law of inheritance, one and two genes, mutations, sex determinations, and genetic disorders. All the concepts are comprehensive with the help of flowcharts, diagrams, illustrations, and also easy language.
It explains the structures of DNA, RNA, and the replication process. The in-depth insights are given on the topics like the packaging of , RNA world, DNA helix, the genetic material is DNA and its properties, genetic code, structure of polynucleotide chain, replication, transcription, , The lac operon, and human genome project.
The study helps to understand how life forms on earth are said to evolution in biology. The ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 7 chapter briefs about the origin of life and life forms evolved. It gives insights into the biodiversity on earth concerning the evolution in the universe itself. The illustrations, diagrams and sequential structure make it easy to understand.
The ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 8 covers topics that include the common diseases in humans, immunity, AIDS, cancer, and drugs or alcohol abuse.
The main aspect of biological principles applied to animal husbandry as well as plant breeding is dealt with in order to increase food production. Embryo transfer technology and tissue culture play pivotal roles in ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 9.
Microbes are the one that can only be seen under a microscope and cannot be seen from a naked eye are explained here in this ncert solution for class 12 biology chapter 10. The most common diseases and microbes are highlighted.
The study of principles and processes involved in biotechnology is explained in the chapter covering genetic engineering and manufacturing of antibiotics, drugs, and other vaccines.
Microbes, plants, animals, and metabolic machinery are several valuable products given to humans by Biotechnology. Thus, the students learn in ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 12 that improved human life.
Students explore ecology, orgasmic, and population level. The topics which are dealt with here are environment, niche, abiotic factors.
This ncert solution for class 12 biology chapter 14 deals with the input and output in the ecosystem and the transfer of energy termed as the food chain.
The topics like causes, in-situ, and ex-situ conservation, species-area relationship, genetic diversity are explained in context to the significance of biodiversity in ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 15.
The ecological balance and the effects of pollution on human life are highlighted in ncert solutions for class 12 biology chapter 16.


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